Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thank your food

The body needs nourishment to survive. We all know this.
Some choose the route of home cooking while some do not.
Some have no time to cook and some don't know how.
I am he ladder.
I never really knew how to cook, and I still really don't.
The difference between who I used to be and who I am now
is that I take the opportunities and I take the adventure.
Who says I can't add some broccoli, asparagus, garlic, and quinoa
into a wok and make a superb meal.
I just did.
I love the taste of fresh cracked pepper & sea salt.
The combination of cumin, coriander, curry, and turmeric make
this soul very happy!

Bon Appetite

Bless you meal for it holds the energy that you need to survive.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Listen to your heart

I've made a move that changes everything that I have ever known.
I knew that I grew from one coast to the middle, but did I think that I would grow moving from the north to the south......


I had no idea how much more I could grow in such a short time.
Being alone is hard. Living along is even harder.

It strengthens a person to live completely on their own.
To come home to an empty home, where only my own thoughts are there to say hello, it can take a toll on a person. However, I have come to realize that maybe, just maybe, this living alone will be a good thing.

How will I know how strong I am, until I test myself?
How will you know how strong you are until you live alone?

I suggest that everyone live alone at least once in their life.
You will be amazed at who you meet along the way.
I spoke with a man tonight that I have worked with for months, but I had no idea that he felt the way that I do about living alone.... not until tonight.
Not until I opened up and spoke my truth.

Speak your truth.

Say what you want, and those who are meant to be in your life will be.
If you don't speak for yourself, who will?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Be the best

I've been noticing lately this strong pull. It does not center around growth or movement. It circles around staying the same. It asks me why change from where you are? Are you that un-happy? Before I have time to answer it tells me I'm not strong enough to change, I'm not strong enough to make myself better.

I woke up today to the sun shining and a slight cool breeze coming in my window. My pledge to myself is to become to best person that I can be. I want lungs free and clear of toxins, a heart that is light, and a mind that focuses on conquering the inner demons that plague them all.

I challenge you all you do the same.

My roommate told me this morning, when you get up each morning, you want the devil to say, oh shit she's up!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Open Road

As a wise man once sung,

"I want to live, I want to give, I've been a miner for a heart of gold."

For those whose lives Neil Young has not influenced, the man is a legend.

The precious songs of Young's career helped to complete my childhood.
I still smile when one of his tunes comes on.

(This photo was found on Google search engine. 
I did not paint this, nor do I have any rights to it.)

This painting is simply for the soul to wonder through. To me it symbolizes the road to heaven and the open road of our lives. 
We are all a part of our surroundings; We are made of energy. 
We live, breathe and love energies. 

Until my next post, I bid you all an Irish blessing,

May the road rise to meet you, 
May the wind be always at your back, 
May the sun shine warm upon your face, 
The rains fall soft upon your fields and, 
Until we meet again, 
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.